2016 5K Run Walk


Colette Coyne Melanoma Awareness Campaign

12th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk

Eisenhower Park, East Meadow NY
(Parking Field #2)

Sunday May 22nd, 2016


Utilizing The “IPICO” Chip System

Run Medal Categories: Overall Male & Female Winners, plus 1st Place Winner,                                                          Male & Female in each runner age group.

Age Groups: 12 & Under, 13-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59,                           60-64, 65-69, 70-75, 76-80, 81 and over.



Prevention is the Cure

Come and Get a FREE Screening by Northwell Dermatology Service

Prize Wheel – T-Shirts – Raffles – 50/50

Special Kids Tables:

  • Make your own UV bracelet using UV sensitive beads that change color when exposed to UV rays
  • Nail polishing using UV sensitive polish that also indicates exposure to UV rays
  • Face Painting

Donation: Pre-register by May 14th, 2016 – $30  —–  After May 14th, 2016 – $35

Registration entitles you to a CCMAC Be Sun Smart T-Shirt while supplies last.

Registration Begins: 08:00 am.

5K Run Registration Closes: 9:15 am.        5K Run Start Time: 09:30 am, Rain/Shine

Walk registration Closes: 11:00 am            Walk Start Time:10:45 am, Rain/Shine



2015 Screenings

CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, Nassau & Suffolk County Parks, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up. One in 5 will get Skin Cancer in their lifetime.

Without the dedication and generosity of dermatologist, residents, and other staff from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stony Brook University, Mount Sinai, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Belaray Dermatology, All Island Dermatology, and McClain Laboratories these life saving screenings would not be able to provided to the Long Island Community. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.



In response to the Surgeon General’s Skin Cancer Call to Action

NY State Assemblyman Todd Kaminsky and Nassau County Legislator Denise Ford

Partnering with

CCMAC, Moku Surf, Belaray DermatologyMcClain Labs and Stony Brook Univ. Hosp. Dermatology, provided FREE Skin Screenings on the Beach and the Boardwalk between  Monroe Blvd. and Long Beach Road, Long Beach NY., where  Moku Surf  hosted their Second Annual Long Board Surfer Tournament .

Long Beach Screening Summary

Of the 121 individuals seen – 1/2 were referred for follow-up.  Generally over the past 12 years our stats are 1/3rd however the population were mostly those who surf and frequent the beach often. Our very first screening event at Jones Beach years ago required 1/2 referral.  We were particularly pleased to reach the surfers – certainly a high risk group.

The value in such an initiative is that we get to speak on a one to one basis to participants after the dermatologist has seen them and give them additional brochures etc. regarding skin cancer prevention  I love the beach myself however  always wear a UV Shirt while swimming and I find it also keeps me cool when on the beach under the umbrella.  

It is particularly rewarding when pre-cancerous lesions are picked up – certainly saves a lot of heartache and healthcare dollars not to mention Basel, Squamous and Melanoma – when diagnosed early.  The anniversary of Kathy Antonacci’s husbands passing from Melanoma was the day of the event, and to quote her, “what better way to spend the day”. She, Cory and Deb Amato handled registration and collection of forms which was not easy in the sand on a warm day. Donald & Barbara did the boardwalk registration etc. Joseph Buckshaw, Frank O’hara’s grandson distributed brochures and invited folks to attend as well as setting up with the guys.  Kim handled the flow of patients with Tony Amato taking over when she had to leave.

We were most grateful to have Joseph Buckshaw and his friend Jason with us.  Joe, Jason and his other friends have helped us at the walk many times.  We know how important it is to have the interest of youth.

Special thanks to Assemblyman Kaminsky and his staff for their participation, support and getting the word out. We also thank Kevin Sime of Moku Surf for their invitation to share in their event, and for helping provide a much needed and life saving service to the surfing community. Kevin was on the Boardwalk at 6 am., with several others helping us set up the event.

Thank you to all of you who so willingly give of your time. It is because of you that CCMAC has continued in this important work.

Tanner Park, Copiague, NY., July 16th, 2015

CCMAC collaborated with Dr. Jennifer DeFazio and the residents of Stonybrook Hospital Dermatology Department, Dr. Scott Flugman, and Dr. Steve McClain of McClain Laboratories, Senator Phil Boyle and Senator Michael Venditto to provide FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on July 16th at Tanner Park.

NYS Lifeguard Screening, May 9th, 2015, Suffolk Community College, Brentwood NY. 

CCMAC, and the lifeguards screened GREATLY APPRECIATE the doctors and volunteers who donate their time to provide the screenings. Special thanks to Steve McClain, of McClain Laboratories and Dr. Pamela Basuk, of Basuk Dermatology,  Dr. Peter O’Neill of Garden City, NY., Dr. Todd Coven of the Mount Sinai North Shore Medical Group, CCMAC volunteers Rosemarie Scelfo, Kathy Antonacci, Colette Coyne Sr. and Paul Steck.


Click Here for More Information on Some of the Past Years of Screenings

2014 Screenings

CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, County and Town Parks, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Without the dedication and generosity of dermatologist, residents, and other staff from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stony Brook University, Mount Sinai, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Belaray Dermatology, All Island Dermatology, and McClain Laboratories these life saving screenings would not be able to provided to the Long Island Community. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.

CCMAC & County Executive Mangano 

Respond to The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to 

Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma

In response to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma, CCMAC and Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano are sponsoring a FREE SKIN CANCER SCREENING at Cantiague Park.

DATE: 09/14/2014 (Sunday)

TIME: 11:00am – 02:00pm

LOCATION: Cantiague Park, Hicksville, NY. (West John Street, East of Cantiague Rock Road)

2014 FREE SCREENINGS were provided at Jones Beach State Park, and at the Town of Babylon’s Overlook Beach information regarding each screening is below.  

Jones Beach Boardwalk Central Mall, July 27th, 2014

  • Dr. Ahmed Hadi & Dr. Dan Bernstein of Mt. Sinai Hospital Dept. of Dermatology

CCMAC in collaboration with the American Academy of Dermatology, and Dr. Jordan Slutsky of Stonybrook University Hospital’s Department of Dermatology, Dr’s Ahmed Hadi formerly of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Daniel Bernstein of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Jospeh Onorato of All Island Dermatology provided FREE SCREENINGS at Jones Beach State Park.

  • Colette Coyne Speaking with NYS Lifeguards


New York State Senator Phil Boyle at Overlook Beach, Babylon, NY. 

  • Senator Phil Boyles Staff, Angel, Ann and Christine

In addition to collaborating with the Medical Community to provide the FREE Screenings, CCMAC has been very fortunate to collaborate with and have the support of politicians that really care about the health and well being of the residents of Long Island, and New York State. The FREE Screening held at Overlook Beach, Babylon NY. could not have been provided without the support of New York State Senator Phil Boyle and his hard working staff.

Mauer Breast Cancer Cross Education Initiative

Melanoma and Breast Cancer, A Cross Education Initiative

Preventing Cancer Together

CCMAC for the past two years has been providing video and print educational and awareness materials to both the public and professionals in attendance at the annual Mauer Breast Cancer Foundation sponsored conference on Breast Cancer. CCMAC commends the Mauer Foundation for their continuing efforts against breast cancer and recognizing the need for cross education efforts regarding all cancers. We are also very grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of their annual conference as well as their annual “Run / Walk for Mom”. Cancer Prevention and Awareness Campaigns must be expanded to educate the public about the many dangers they face in their day-to-day lives.

The message of being Sun Smart takes on an even more significant meaning to those women who are being treated for Breast Cancer, as some medications and radiation increases their risks in the sun.

In addition CCMAC was able to participate in the Mauer Foundations Annual Run / Walk for Moms, and provide educational awareness materials and Sun Screen to the many who were running and walking in the sun that day.

Colette Coyne Sr. at CCMAC’s information booth (below) at the Annual Mauer Breast Cancer Foundation Sponsored Conference at the Long Island Marriott.


Colette Coyne Sr. and Thomas Coyne (below) staff the CCMAC information booth at the Mauer Breast Cancer Foundation Sponsored Run / Walk for Moms.






Farmingdale & Garden City Schools

Farmindale School District

Mrs. Colette Coyne of CCMAC seen below with the Nurses from the Farmingdale School Districts Nurses association during an in-service on Skin Cancer / Melanoma awareness and education program.

Farmingdale Nurses Association

Garden City School District

Sharon McLaughlin M.D.,  below left donates her time and expertise educating young children with Mrs. Coyne seen below right with Mr. “G” a Garden City Middle School Health Education Teacher.

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2015 5K Run & Walk


11th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk

 A Huge Success


A great day in which individuals and families from  all over came together to celebrate loved ones and feel the strength of those who have been, or are in treatment.

The success of the annual 5K Run/Walk walk depends upon two groups of people; those who come to run, walk and cheer, and those involved in the planning, coordination and implementation of the event. CCMAC is grateful and appreciative of all those; the board and volunteers who work so hard planning and implementing this very important event.

The day of the walk starts with committed volunteers who arrive at the park shortly before the sun rises in order to unload the truck, set up the tents, tables, and chairs; hang the banners, post the signage, fill the balloons, and line the Run/Walk path with the hundreds of the “In Honor of, and In Memory” signs. Some of the early morning risers included Jerry Pelan 1st. on the scene at 5am to unload the truck, his early arrival and help gave us a big head start and getting everything set up on time. Next to arrive was Joe Buckshaw, his son Joe, a friend Jason and one other friend who was bribed to come so early on. Without these guys the tents would have never been set up on time. Later Joe Sr. also did a bang up job with the helium balloons. Soon to follow was Mrs. Debbie Amato, whose beautiful daughter Debbie Amato Formato died this past October from Melanoma. The Mrs. Amato, Debbie her daughter and friends were regular attendees of past walks. Mrs. Amato could not do enough to help us set up and ensure the event want smoothly. Special thanks to Mrs. Debbie Amato, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. 

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Once at the park the first thing our attendees do is register. Registration this year was handled by; Fred and Kathy Kortman, Marisue, Rocco and Jill Ianarelli, Kathy & Mary Antonacci and John Traina, ZoeAnn Hamilton and Lisa Dzurilla, and Angela Pitto. 

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Following registration folks head over to receive their “GOODY BAGS”, at the “GOODY BAG TABLE” staffed by the Clark high school cheerleaders.

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While waiting for the run and walk to begin over 150 attendees took advantage of the FREE Skin Cancer Screenings being offered at the walk. We are grateful to Dr. Jeff Ellis of Belaray Dermatology and Dr. Amit Garg, Chair of Dermatology of the North Shore -LIJ Dermatology Department who made this possible. The NS-LIJ dermatology department also had a team participating in the run. Barbara and Donald Gleason managed all registrations for the screening event. Dr, Jeff Ellis is pictured below left, and Dr. Amit Garg below right with baseball cap.

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Many participants visited the Prize Wheel and Kids tables which were a big hit with all of the Kids, young and old. The prize wheel and table were managed by Helen Sanudo and Grace and Kate Buckshaw, while the Kids table was managed by Wendy & Rich Ruocco, Tina and Lauren Ruocco, and Mark.

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The Kids table provided children of all ages an opportunity make bracelets using UV Sensitive Beads and paint finger nails with UV Sensitive Polish. The UV sensitive beads and polish when exposed to the UV rays of the sun turn colors from white to purple. The stronger the rays, the darker purple they turn. The kids are having fun and learning at the same time. They also could get their faces painted which as you can tell from the slide show below many took advantage of. 

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Prior to the Run/Walk beginning we were proud to have the Nassau County Explorers Honor Guard and Officer Sharon Galvin of the Nassau County Police Department  present the Flag and lead us in the pledge of allegiance.

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In addition to those running, walking and cheering CCMAC is especially grateful for the continued support of the events sponsors and promoters; Belaray Dermatology, Blue Lizard, Cablevision News Channel 12 Long Island,  Emblem Health, Fresh 102.7,  Hats.com, Hillside Beverage,   Jay Letterman and My Country 96.1 WJVC, Jay Oliver & Long Island News Radio 103.9 FM, King Kullen, McCLain Laboratories, Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano and the Nassau County Legislature, North Shore – LIJ Dermatology, Ridgewood Savings BankSnapple, and UVSkinz

Thanks to Holly Koehler and Laura Hamilton for selling chances, to Marissa and ALexa of the Clarke Cheerleaders for staffing the Volunteer Sign in Table, to Katie Vollino & Bella for staffing the Greeters, and to Carole Frost Kelly (Melanoma Survivor) for staffing the Merchandise Table, and for all the work she continues to do over the years to prevent Melanoma Skin Cancer. Carole has been a great support to many diagnosed with this terrible disease. Special thanks to our our photographers; Wendy Ruocco and Theresa McCloskey of Team McCloskey, who every year do a great job capturing special moments and documenting the event in pictures, and our Videographer Rosalia Gaudino, of Team Gaudino for capturing special moments on video. Thank You Wendy, Theresa and Rosalia! 

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2015 5K Walk 


11th Annual 5K Run/Walk Sponsors


2015 5K Run 


Race Results copy


2015 TEAMS

Click Here for More Pictures of TEAMs


A Video Capturing the Days Events!

Click on the Image Below to View


From the Optimum Neighborhood Journal

Click Image Below to View

Optimum 3x2


11th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk


11th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk

Sunday May 31st, 2015

Utilizing The “IPICO” Chip System


Prize Wheel – T-Shirts – Raffles – 50/50

Special Kids Tables



11th Annual 5K Run/Walk Sponsors


How Can You Help? 

Help CCMAC Secure Donations, and/or Raise Awareness

With your help, proceeds from the Miles for Melanoma 5K Run / Walk will enable CCMAC to continue to increase public awareness of the dangers and causes of Skin Cancer / Melanoma.

Help us to Reach our Goal

[olimometer id=olimometer_id css_class=olimometer_css]

Amount Remaining Until our Goal: [olimometer_remaining id=1]

1.) Create Your Own Team or Support an Existing One


  • Team Mary

2.) Download a 5K Run / Walk Pledge Form

       Securing pledges and donations are not required to participate in the Run or Walk.


3.) Download, Purchase and Return RAFFLE TICKETS 

        Bring Raffle Tickets to Walk When Registering

4.) Help CCMAC Advertise & Get the Word Out 






Personalized Walk Sign

A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love

Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each

Deadline for sign requests May 24th




News & Events

Previous Events


10th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk


Colette Coyne Melanoma Awareness Campaign

10th Annual Miles For Melanoma “Accurate” 5K Run/Walk

Eisenhower Park, East Meadow NY
(Parking Field #2)

Sunday May 18th, 2014


Utilizing The BIB Chip System

Run Medal Categories; Overall Male & Female Winners, plus 1st Place Winner, Male & Female in each runner age group.

Age Groups: 12 & Under, 13-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 and over.



Prize Wheel – T-Shirts – Raffles – 50/50

Special Kids Tables:

  • Make your own UV bracelet using UV sensitive beads that change color when exposed to UV rays
  • Nail polishing using UV sensitive polish that also indicates exposure to UV rays
  • Face Painting

Donation: Pre-register by May 6th, 2014 – $25

After May 6th, 2014 – $30

Registration entitles you to a CCMAC Be Sun Smart T-Shirt while supplies last.

Registration Begins: 08:00 am.

5K Run Registration Closes: 9:15 am.        5K Run Start Time: 09:30 am, Rain/Shine

Walk registration Closes: 11:00 am            Walk Start Time:10:30 am, Rain/Shine



Personalized Walk Sign

A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love

Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each

Deadline for sign requests May 9th

Bethpage, Long Island Air Show

air-showMay 2012: Skin Cancer Screenings were provided at the Long Island Air Show held at Jones Beach, Memorial Day Weekend. What better way to start your summer than with a Skin Cancer Check up, and information on how to protect yourself from the dangerous rays of the sun. CCMAC thanks Bethpage Federal Credit Union, sponsor of the Jones Beach Air Show for inviting us to educate and screen attendees during this Memorial Day Weekend Event. We are grateful for the services of Dr. Steve McClain who never says no, and Dr. Ted Daly who conducted skin cancer screenings during this event.

Pictured to the left are Dr. Steve McLain of McLain Laboratories, and Dr. Dennis Daley of Garden City, examining attendees at the air show.

2012 Run/ Walk

CCMAC’s 2012 5K Run / Walk Is A Huge Success!

While Sun Safety is encouraged all year round, CCMAC holds its annual “Miles for Melanoma Run/Walk during May which is Melanoma Month. The Run/Walk is always the highlight of the year, and serves many important purposes. It enables families, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents and friends to acknowledge their loved one touched by melanoma. It is also a source of encouragement and strength for those recently diagnosed with Melanoma to meet others who have successfully won their battle with melanoma. It is also an educational event and certainly fun for the children of walkers. They have the opportunity to make their own UV Bracelets and while doing so, learn of the necessary precautions that all should take regarding Sun exposure.

More to Follow………Pictures Below………………………

It was a beautiful, sunny, Sunday morning……


Registration Went Well…….


People Gathered Waiting to Start………..


Click Here to view more Pictures of participants milling around and waiting for the 5K Run and Walk to begin.

Then the Runners lined Up……….


And They Were Off…..


Click Here to view more pictures of 5K Run Start, and the runners, running…..

And then the walkers lined up for their 5K Walk…..


and then they were off and walking….


Clike Here for More Pictures of the Walkers, Walking…

And The Finishers Began to Come Across the Finish Line…..


Pictured Above is CCMAC’s 2012 5k Race, First Place Male Finisher Overall – Mr. Hector Jaramillo. Congratulations Hector! We Appreciate Your Support!


Pictured Above is CCMAC’s 2012 5k Race, First Place Female Finisher Overall – Ms. Megan Lavery. Congratulations Megan! We Appreciate Your Support!

Click Here to View More Pictures of the 5K Run Finishers


The Awards

Pictured above is Megan Lavery receiving her Trophy for being the First Place Female Finisher.

Click Here For More Awards Pictures

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