Mary Quoma-Gaudino
Team Mary Gaudino
Mary Quoma-Gaudino may have only lived to the age of 36, but the life she lived can’t be measured by a number. With bravery and courage, she treated her final years as a gift. Mary took the time to tell each and every person she cared for, how much she loved them. She helped to ease the pain of her passing by keeping a smile on her face up until her last breath. Mary was loyal, loving, and giving EVERY day of her life. She was an inspiration to all that knew her. The Cancer took a great deal from her, but she wouldn’t let it take away her fun-loving spirit. When she passed away from Melanoma she took a piece of us with her, but she will live in our in our hearts and memories forever.
Team Captain: Michelle Jones & Rosalia Guadino
Purpose: To help raise awareness of Melanoma Skin Cancer!
Team Members
Michelle Jones | Edward Jones | Suzanne Jones |
Daria McDonald | Alan & Alexandria Jones | Jerry Richards |
Dawn Anderson | Paul Anderson | William Ferguson |
Jennica Nill | Kristine Droskoski | Donielle Wilkinson |
Sandra Alcus | Roseann Joule | Sheaugh Costello |
Kathy Koziol | Brian Golub | Jean Nicastro |
Amanda Smithwick | Jessica Vollmer | |