On Line Registration is Closed

You Can Still Register Onsite 


To  View a Team Click on the Name / Image Below

Team Thomas & Colette

Harry Reese Framed
Team Reese – Harry Reese
Joe Becker Rocco Caprioli3x4 Frank Ohara 2009
Joey’s All Stars Team Rocco Team O’Hara
william-ruthoske Jennifer Santana Sharon
 William Rutkoske  Team Santana  Team Galvin
Melissa Gagliardi Mary Quoma Guadino KELLI_MARTUCCI - Kelli's 10 year Cancerversary
Melissa Gagliardi  Mary Quoma Gaudino Kelli Martucci
colleen_mills_melanoma beat down pic  Team Strong Team Lisa
Mike Mills Sarah Reynolds   Team Lisa Formato
Cassy's Bellrose Buds 1 lisa-zito-team-pic hofstra school of medicine
Cassy’s Bellerose Buds Team Lisa Zito Toni Lurcotta –  Team Hofstra North Shore-LIJ 
VincentMMcCloskey meredith-miller Rosemarie S Scelfo
Vincent “Mickey” McCloskey  Team Gram  Rosemarie Scelfo
BCNYSYNC-LOGO NS Dermotology_pict m_eisner
BCNY International/Synclaire Brands Dermatology Dept at NSHS Mary Ann Eisner
g_antonacci ps
The Sunscreens
Gaetano Antonacci  Paul Steck Jennifer Ganley – The Sunscreens
Glenn Gannon
 Patricia Turtell – Team Glenn Gannon




Teams Who Have Participated in CCMAC’s 5K Run / Walk in the Past

  • Team Mary
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
  15. 15