A Little About Kelli Martucci
In 1999, I was just a normal 15 year old, High School student. Out of no where, I developed a spot on the left side of my chest. At the time, my doctor wasn’t concerned and life went on. Over a year, that mole grew to the size of a nickel, changed multiple colors, became irregularly shaped, started to itch and bleed. Just by looking at it, my dermatologist knew it was cancer. At 16 years old, I had melanoma a deadly form of skin cancer.
The cancer spread to my lymph nodes. I was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. They removed all the cancer they could find but there was still a chance it has spread in my blood. Around my 17th birthday, I started one year off interferon treatments. I pretty much felt like I had the flu my whole senior year of high school. I missed a lot of school, activities and I missed out on being a normal teen like my twin sister.
In May 2001, I turned 18 years old, graduated high school, finished treatments and I was in remission. I moved to New York and went to Long Island University. I felt like I had left the cancer behind me. I was a normal college student and starting my adult life. I made it 5 years cancer free.
Then in 2004, all of the sudden I was having trouble breathing and experiencing chest pains. A Bronchoscopy confirmed there was a mass on my lungs that was melanoma. I was 21 years old now and faced the a very real possibility i would never graduate college, get married, have children or even see 30 years old.
At the time, IL2 was the only treatment option and only worked for 10 % of people. I spent one week in the hospital , one week at home to recover, and one week in the hospital. The side effects I experienced were; nausea, body aches, fatigue, chills, fever and drops in blood pressure. I had to be hospitalized to monitor my symptoms closely. I did two rounds of IL2. It was rough but it was my only hope. My follow up CT sans in August 2005 showed no more cancer.
Today, I am celebrating almost 19 years CANCER FREE!
I am a survivor, a wife, a mother of 4 beautiful children and a 911 dispatcher. Now just a memory but always a part of me… I am one of the lucky ones. When I talk with people they are shocked that skin cancer can be so serious. Melanoma can spread quickly and deep. My cancer spread through my blood and went to my lungs. It is a serious and devastating cancer that can strike anyone at any age. Sun safety education and yearly screenings are a must!
Team Captain: Kelli Martucci
Team Members:
Kelli Martucci | Danielle Donohue | |
Kelly McGovern | ||
Be Sun Smart!