2017 Screening

Senator Phillips Co-Hosts Skin Cancer Screening In Roslyn, NY.

L-R , Donald & Barbara Gleason, Colette Coyne, Debbie Amato, Senator Phillips, Kathy Antanacci & Tony Amato


August 29th, 2017

Senator Elaine Phillips, in partnership with Colette Coyne Melanoma Awareness Campaign and Northwell Dermatology Group, hosted a free Skin Cancer Screening on Saturday at the Christopher Morley Park in Roslyn.

“Skin screenings are extremely important for detecting melanoma and other skin cancers in the early stages,” Senator Elaine Phillips. “Getting tested regularly, no matter your age or how much time you spend in the sun, is paramount and can be life-saving. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States and I am pleased so many local residents took advantage of the free screening.”

Colette Coyne, for whom the Colette Coyne Melanoma Awareness Campaign is named after, passed away at just 30 years old after melanoma spread to her liver, bones and lungs. A bright young woman with a promising future, Colette touched the lives of everyone she encountered. The Colette Coyne Melanoma Awareness Campaign works to bring awareness to skin cancer and encourages people to get tested early and regularly.

CCMAC is especially grateful to Northwell Dermatology, Belaray Dermatology, and Dr. Ted Daly of Garden City Dermatology, without their dedication and caring for the community these life saving screenings would not be possible, THANK YOU ALL!!!  

2015 Screenings

CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, Nassau & Suffolk County Parks, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up. One in 5 will get Skin Cancer in their lifetime.

Without the dedication and generosity of dermatologist, residents, and other staff from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stony Brook University, Mount Sinai, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Belaray Dermatology, All Island Dermatology, and McClain Laboratories these life saving screenings would not be able to provided to the Long Island Community. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.



In response to the Surgeon General’s Skin Cancer Call to Action

NY State Assemblyman Todd Kaminsky and Nassau County Legislator Denise Ford

Partnering with

CCMAC, Moku Surf, Belaray DermatologyMcClain Labs and Stony Brook Univ. Hosp. Dermatology, provided FREE Skin Screenings on the Beach and the Boardwalk between  Monroe Blvd. and Long Beach Road, Long Beach NY., where  Moku Surf  hosted their Second Annual Long Board Surfer Tournament .

Long Beach Screening Summary

Of the 121 individuals seen – 1/2 were referred for follow-up.  Generally over the past 12 years our stats are 1/3rd however the population were mostly those who surf and frequent the beach often. Our very first screening event at Jones Beach years ago required 1/2 referral.  We were particularly pleased to reach the surfers – certainly a high risk group.

The value in such an initiative is that we get to speak on a one to one basis to participants after the dermatologist has seen them and give them additional brochures etc. regarding skin cancer prevention  I love the beach myself however  always wear a UV Shirt while swimming and I find it also keeps me cool when on the beach under the umbrella.  

It is particularly rewarding when pre-cancerous lesions are picked up – certainly saves a lot of heartache and healthcare dollars not to mention Basel, Squamous and Melanoma – when diagnosed early.  The anniversary of Kathy Antonacci’s husbands passing from Melanoma was the day of the event, and to quote her, “what better way to spend the day”. She, Cory and Deb Amato handled registration and collection of forms which was not easy in the sand on a warm day. Donald & Barbara did the boardwalk registration etc. Joseph Buckshaw, Frank O’hara’s grandson distributed brochures and invited folks to attend as well as setting up with the guys.  Kim handled the flow of patients with Tony Amato taking over when she had to leave.

We were most grateful to have Joseph Buckshaw and his friend Jason with us.  Joe, Jason and his other friends have helped us at the walk many times.  We know how important it is to have the interest of youth.

Special thanks to Assemblyman Kaminsky and his staff for their participation, support and getting the word out. We also thank Kevin Sime of Moku Surf for their invitation to share in their event, and for helping provide a much needed and life saving service to the surfing community. Kevin was on the Boardwalk at 6 am., with several others helping us set up the event.

Thank you to all of you who so willingly give of your time. It is because of you that CCMAC has continued in this important work.

Tanner Park, Copiague, NY., July 16th, 2015

CCMAC collaborated with Dr. Jennifer DeFazio and the residents of Stonybrook Hospital Dermatology Department, Dr. Scott Flugman, and Dr. Steve McClain of McClain Laboratories, Senator Phil Boyle and Senator Michael Venditto to provide FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on July 16th at Tanner Park.

NYS Lifeguard Screening, May 9th, 2015, Suffolk Community College, Brentwood NY. 

CCMAC, and the lifeguards screened GREATLY APPRECIATE the doctors and volunteers who donate their time to provide the screenings. Special thanks to Steve McClain, of McClain Laboratories and Dr. Pamela Basuk, of Basuk Dermatology,  Dr. Peter O’Neill of Garden City, NY., Dr. Todd Coven of the Mount Sinai North Shore Medical Group, CCMAC volunteers Rosemarie Scelfo, Kathy Antonacci, Colette Coyne Sr. and Paul Steck.


Click Here for More Information on Some of the Past Years of Screenings

2014 Screenings

CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, County and Town Parks, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Without the dedication and generosity of dermatologist, residents, and other staff from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stony Brook University, Mount Sinai, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Belaray Dermatology, All Island Dermatology, and McClain Laboratories these life saving screenings would not be able to provided to the Long Island Community. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.

CCMAC & County Executive Mangano 

Respond to The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to 

Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma

In response to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma, CCMAC and Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano are sponsoring a FREE SKIN CANCER SCREENING at Cantiague Park.

DATE: 09/14/2014 (Sunday)

TIME: 11:00am – 02:00pm

LOCATION: Cantiague Park, Hicksville, NY. (West John Street, East of Cantiague Rock Road)

2014 FREE SCREENINGS were provided at Jones Beach State Park, and at the Town of Babylon’s Overlook Beach information regarding each screening is below.  

Jones Beach Boardwalk Central Mall, July 27th, 2014

  • Dr. Ahmed Hadi & Dr. Dan Bernstein of Mt. Sinai Hospital Dept. of Dermatology
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CCMAC in collaboration with the American Academy of Dermatology, and Dr. Jordan Slutsky of Stonybrook University Hospital’s Department of Dermatology, Dr’s Ahmed Hadi formerly of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Daniel Bernstein of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Jospeh Onorato of All Island Dermatology provided FREE SCREENINGS at Jones Beach State Park.

  • Colette Coyne Speaking with NYS Lifeguards
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New York State Senator Phil Boyle at Overlook Beach, Babylon, NY. 

  • Senator Phil Boyles Staff, Angel, Ann and Christine
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In addition to collaborating with the Medical Community to provide the FREE Screenings, CCMAC has been very fortunate to collaborate with and have the support of politicians that really care about the health and well being of the residents of Long Island, and New York State. The FREE Screening held at Overlook Beach, Babylon NY. could not have been provided without the support of New York State Senator Phil Boyle and his hard working staff.

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Bethpage, Long Island Air Show

air-showMay 2012: Skin Cancer Screenings were provided at the Long Island Air Show held at Jones Beach, Memorial Day Weekend. What better way to start your summer than with a Skin Cancer Check up, and information on how to protect yourself from the dangerous rays of the sun. CCMAC thanks Bethpage Federal Credit Union, sponsor of the Jones Beach Air Show for inviting us to educate and screen attendees during this Memorial Day Weekend Event. We are grateful for the services of Dr. Steve McClain who never says no, and Dr. Ted Daly who conducted skin cancer screenings during this event.

Pictured to the left are Dr. Steve McLain of McLain Laboratories, and Dr. Dennis Daley of Garden City, examining attendees at the air show.

New York State Lifeguards Screening

CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings around the New York metropolitan area for the past six years. Early identification and intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for follow up. This past May CCMAC sponsored a skin cancer screening for New York State Lifeguards who were re-certifying as lifeguards at the Nassau Community College Pool. Life guards at our county and state parks are at increased risk due to the nature of their jobs, and the amount of time spent in the sun.

CCMAC, and the lifeguards screened GREATLY APPRECIATE the doctors, nurses, and volunteers, pictured below, who donate their time to provide the screenings. Pictured below top, left to right Steve McClain, of McClain Laboratories, Diane O’Neill, Dr. Pamela Basuk, of Basuk Dermatology, Dr. Peter O’Neill of Garden City, NY., Dr. Jeff Ellis of Belaray Dermatology, Dr. Peter Reisfeld, of Seaford, NY, and Dr. Erin Schoor, of Huntington, NY. CCMAC also thanks Physicians Assistant Nicole Tardio of Garden City Dermatology for her time and service contributing to the days success.

Pictured second from top, (l-r) Cory Eisner, Kathy Antonacci, Colette Coyne, and John Crotty. Pictured third from top, (l-r) Frank Galalis preparing the necessary American Academy of Dermatology screening forms that must be completed as part of the screening, and Kathy Antonacci guiding participating lifeguards. Cory, Kathy, John, and Frank have all lost their spouses to Melanoma, and work tirelessly to prevent others from experiencing a loss due to Melanoma. Together, volunteers and doctors screened over 150 lifeguards.

CCMAC & Senator Charles Fuschillo

CCMAC again partnered with New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo (R-Merrick) to provide FREE Skin Cancer Screenings for Long Island residents. Screenings were held in July at Tanners Park, in Babylon, with assistance and support of Town of Babylon Councilwoman Jacqueline Gordon, (pictured top right, with CCMAC executive director Colette Coyne, and Senator Fuschillo), and again in August at Nassau County’s Wantagh Park. CCMAC appreciates the support of Senator Fuschillo, and his dedicated staff (pictured below, top right) for getting the word out, and all their onsite assistance. Attending again for his second year, and supporting the screenings was Assemblyman Dave McDonough (pictured top left). CCMAC thanks Dr. Steve McClain, of McCLain Labs, Dr. Jeff Ellis & Amy Slear of Belaray Dermatology, (pictured bottom right), Dr. David Silverstein and his colleagues from Stonybrook’s Dermatology department (pictured bottom left). Without these doctors donating their time, none of these Free Skin Cancer Melanoma Screenings would be possible. Last, and certainly not least CCMAC thanks the Wantagh Park Staff (pictured below, bottom left) for their gracious hospitality and assistance in making this such a successful event.

Wantagh Park Screening

July 2010: CCMAC’s Free Skin Cancer Screening Series a Huge Success!

With the help of Senator Charles Fuschillo and Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano (pictured below) CCMAC concluded their Summer Skin Cancer Screening Series at Nassau County’s Wantagh Park, Wantagh, NY. Over 150 people were screened, ½ of which were referred for follow up regarding suspect lesions. CCMAC not only appreciates the support of Senator Fuschillo, but also that of his staff (pictured below) for getting the word out, and for all their onsite assistance. Last, and certainly not least CCMAC thanks the Wantagh Park Staff (pictured below) for their gracious hospitality and assistance in making this such a successful event.

Jones Beach State Park

July, 2010: CCMAC in collaboration with Dr . Steve McClain of McClain Laboratories, Dr. Jennifer DeFazio Of Memorial Sloan Kettering, Hauppauge, StonyBrook Hospital Dermatology Department, Dr. Ted Daly of Garden City Dermatology and the Jones Beach State Park’s Department, CCMAC held their annual FREE Skin Cancer / Melanoma Screening on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park. Once again, many were examined and referred for follow up with their own dermatologist.

Nassau County Legislature Screening

nassau_legislature 2010May 2010: Legislators Norma Gonzalas and Diane Yatauro arranged the “Be Sun Smart” screening for the second year. It was held at the Legislature with participating Dermatologists, Dr. Ted Dalyof Garden City Dermatology and Dr. Steven McClain of Mc Clain Labs.

Jones Beach State Park Screening

July 2009: CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.

CCMAC’s Volunteers, including our doctors whom without we would not be able to offer Free Skin Cancer / Melanoma Screenings.

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