Toni Lurcotta – Team Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine
Team Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine
We are medical students at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine. We are walking and running to show solidarity with all those who have been stricken by melanoma and to spread the word about the importance of skin screening in our school and communities.
Target Goal: $1000 and 20 people
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Amount Remaining: [olimometer_remaining id=21]
Purpose: Team Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine We are walking and running to show solidarity with all those who have been stricken by melanoma and to spread the word about the importance of skin screening in our school and communities.
Team Captain: Toni Lurcotta
Team Members:
Laurie Murray | Toni Lurcotta | Kan Chen | Camille Anderson |
Tamara Casas | Alyssa Rothman | Elizabeth Hayes | Julian Gonzalez |
Jeremy Roberts | Ryan Bedi | Eric Luitweiler | Kimberley Seoane |
Download & Purchase RAFFLE TICKETS for a Drawing to be Held that Day!
Make Sure to Check Toni Lurcotta – Team Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of MedicineTeam When Registering

Personalized Walk Sign
A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love
Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each
Deadline for sign requests May 24th

To Purchase a Personalized Walk Sign and/or Donate, Click on Registration Button Above