The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that the primary source of Sun Safety Education is in schools and that the secondary source of education is through recreational and sporting activities. The CDC also acknowledges that educational programs and curricula in schools alone are inadequate to stop the rising rates of Skin Cancer in America. They recommend prevention and education efforts in schools are supported and reinforced by skin cancer prevention interventions in recreation, sports, and community settings.
High School Presentations are ongoing and well received by Students. As well as being informative, students can understand the importance of UV protection after viewing their own facial skin damage through our DermaScan Machine donated by Dr. Steve McClain. Thousands of students from the Nassau County Line as far east as the Hamptons have heard the BE SUN SMART® message.
Oyster Bay High School
On April 17th Caleigh O’Toole and her two brothers attended the Oyster Bay High School Board of Education. They were there to update the board regarding CCMAC’s donation of shade covering to be used at one of the School Districts outdoor fields where students play a variety of sports. In addition, Caleigh and her brothers took the opportunity to educate the board and others in attendance regarding the dangers of unprotected exposure to the sun’s deadly rays.
Caleigh and her family have long been involved in sharing CCMAC;s Be SUn Smart message. In 2018 the O’Toole family lost their Aunt Bonnie to Melanoma. Since they have been very involved in educating the community, about the dangerous rays of the sun. The Oyster Bay Community and all of Long Island are lucky to have such dedicated community minded youth. CCMAC is grateful to the O’Tooles for all they do!
Hampton Bays High School’s
Tonight, It’s All About Me! Health & Wellness Fair
On April 17th 2018 CCMAC participated in the Southampton Youth Board & Hampton Bays High School’s “Tonight, It’s All About Me! Health and Wellness Fair. Thomas Coyne shared CCMAC’s Be Sun Smart message with students, teachers and other school personnel in attendance. CCMAC’s Dermascan got a great deal of use, as many in attendance viewed damage to their skin often not otherwise seen by the naked eye. Many were quite shocked at what they saw and commented that they will have to do better at protecting their skin from the dangerous rays of the sun.
CCMAC Thanks the Southampton Youth Board, Event Coordinator Katherine Budas & Drew Martin of Hampton Bays High School for inviting us and their commitment to preventing Skin Cancer / Melanoma.
Hofstra University Health & Wellness Fair
On April 11th 2018 CCMAC participated in Hofstra Universities Health and Wellness Fair. Cory Eisner and Colleen Buckshaw shared CCMAC’s Be Sun Smart message with students, teachers and other school personnel in attendance. CCMAC’s Dermascan got a great deal of use, as many in attendance viewed damage to their skin often not otherwise seen by the naked eye. Many were quite shocked at what they saw and commented that they will have to do better at protecting their skin from the dangerous rays of the sun.
CCMAC Thanks Hoftsra University for inviting us and their commitment to preventing Skin Cancer / Melanoma.