Team Strong – Sarah Reynolds-Nash
Sarah Reynolds-Nash Family
My team story is to honor my relatives that have been stricken with Melanoma. My father was diagnosed with Melanoma in his late 70s. I was the one who found a suspicious freckle on his back and insisted that he go and get it checked. It turned out to be Melanoma and luckily, it was caught early. I have had other family members also stricken with Melanoma; my first cousin at 37, her daughter at 25 and my husband’s cousin at 48. Thank God all of them are doing well today. I want to honor their courage and strength and also to bring awareness to the disease. I thank God that I have not lost anyone to Melanoma. Team Strong members, in addition to me, will also be walking in honor and in memory of the loved ones in their lives that have also been stricken by Melanoma.
Target Goal: $1000
[olimometer id=17]
Amount Remaining: [olimometer_remaining id=17]
Purpose: To raise awareness about Melanoma, especially to young women. To promote prevention and early detection
Team Captain: Sarah Reynolds-Nash
Team Members: Sarah Reynolds-Nash and You!
Sarah Reynolds-Nash | Donna Indovino | Debra Randisi | Wynette O’Connell |
Donna Scuderi | Christine Boylan | Jeff Richter | LINDA MCMAHON |
Neil Lenok | Jeff Richter | Carol Phillips | ROSEANN ESPOSITO |
Richard Wohlrab | Chris McGrath | Tom Nash | John Reynolds |
Elizabeth Horne | Maureen Brophy | Louise Carey | Virginia Bianco |
Thomas Nash | Joe Grignoli | John Reynolds | Marie Reynolds |
Kristy Reynolds | Michael Reynolds |
Download & Purchase RAFFLE TICKETS for a Drawing to be Held that Day!
Check Sarah Reynolds-Nash Team When Registering or Donating

Personalized Walk Sign
A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love
Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each
Deadline for sign requests May 24th

To Purchase a Personalized Walk Sign and/or Donate, Click on Registration Button Above