Team Rocco
Rocco Caprioli
A Little About Rocco Caprioli
I had a mole removed on my forehead in May 2010. It was never diagnosed as Melanoma but indeed it was and in February 2014 I noticed a lump by my right ear.
I was told it was malignant and Melanoma. It was in my salivary gland . I went to Sloan and had it removed. In March I was diagnosed stage 3, and had a re-occurrence in July 2014. I have been undergoing all the new treatments and now I am part of a clinical trial . So far the cancer is still in the area of the surgery and god willing it will be removed with these latest treatments
I have so much support from my family and all my friends and I am overwhelmed already by the turnout for my Team.
Thank You All!
Target Goal: $2500.00 and 30 People
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Amount Remaining: [olimometer_remaining id=4]
Purpose: Team Rocco Caprioli was formed to help raise awareness of Melanoma Skin Cancer, and to provide support for all those living with Melanoma. Join our team and help support the cause.
Team Captain: Rocco Caprioli
Team Members: Rocco Caprioli and You!
(Team Member Names and Amounts Donated Will Appear Within 48 Hours. Names and Amounts Will Not Appear Immediately.)
Rocco / Susan Caprioli | Alisa Caprioli | Christine Caprioli | Michelle Caprioli |
Rocco Caprioli III | Jenna Sardelli | Lori Zucker | Ron Zucker |
Dennis Hickey | Dana Alexander | Rebecca Boughton | Anjelica Cunnignham |
Christine Congelosi | Vincent Salvatico | John / Christina Cosgriff | Jane Mazzone |
Michael Rascona | Patrick Cummings | Dianne Cummings | Francine Tanzola |
Patrick Tanzola | Tricia Tanzola | Russ Caprioli | Carly Caprioli |
Nick Mazziotta | Sean Gregory | Natale Licurgo | Debbie Williams |
Jonathon Sardelli | James Calamia | Michael De Maio | Maryann Caprioli |
Laura DiDia | Dena Caprioli | Greg Caprioli | Vincent and Christine Guarino |
Lisa LaRosa | Viana Cangelosi | Amanda Legene | Joseph Sciortino |
Alex Wenzel | Elena Alexander | Keith Stack | Kristyn Castaldo |
Mark Faranda | Erica Bartoloni | Christopher Karis | Rachel Assael |
Jessica Conlon | Thomas O’Connor | Gregory Rocco Caprioli | Briana Geduldig |
Christopher Arnold | George Condzal | Sean Pratt | George Condzal |
Barbara and Joseph Casamento | Anthony Buoscio | Anthony and Gina DiBenedetto | Richard De Gregoris |
Nikki and Steve Salvatico | Gino Confredo | Amy Zweig | Tom & Peggy Caltabiano |
John DeMaio | Kyle Lastra | Alexa Rigazio | Tricia Tanzola |
MARIE URICK | Deanna Confredo | Diego Furnari |
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Personalized Walk Sign
A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love
Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each
Deadline for sign requests May 24th

To Purchase a Personalized Walk Sign and/or Donate, Click on Registration Button Above