Patricia Turtell – Team Glenn Gannon
A Message From Patricia Turtell
We would like to create a “Team Glenn Gannon” in memory of our cousin who passed away on November 27, 2014 at the age of 46 years old from Melanoma. Glenn did not lose his battle with Melanoma because that would mean that he gave up and Glenn NEVER gave up. He is our inspiration and a true hero.
Target Goal: $500.00 Dollars
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Amount Remaining: [olimometer_remaining id=32]
Purpose: We are raising funds in hope for a cure for the deadly disease of Melanoma that has scarred us all..
Team Captain: Patricia Turtell and Heidi Weinrich
Team Members: Patricia Turtell, Heidi Weinrich and You! (Team Member Names Will be Added)
Barbara Gannon | Brendan Gannon | Lucille Mamouzelos | Annamarie Turtell |
John & Denise Hirt |
Check Patricia Turtell – Team Glenn Gannon When Registering or Donating

Personalized Walk Sign
A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love
Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each
Deadline for sign requests May 24th

To Purchase a Personalized Walk Sign and/or Donate, Click on Registration Button Above