Team Dermatology Dept at NSHS
About Dermatology Dept at NSHS
We are the Dermatology Dept at NSHS and are passionate about spreading Melanoma Awareness / Prevention
Target Goal: $500.00 and 20 People
[olimometer id=26]
Amount Remaining: [olimometer_remaining id=26]
Purpose: Goal is to promote awareness of Melanoma Awareness / Prevention. Join our team and help support the cause.
Team Captain: Chrissalee Erriah
Team Members: Chrissalee Erriah and You!
(Team Member Names and Amounts Donated Will Appear Within 48 Hours. Names and Amounts Will Not Appear Immediately.)
Chrissalee Erriah | Holly Koehler | Joan Bossis Boll | Denisse Canales |
Mary Canales | Rebecca Verderosa | Rebecca Tamez | Sydney Cary |
Frances Miles | Michele Pirog | Cesar Vera | Peter Weigele |
Gregory Quinlan | Letia Cooper |
Download & Purchase RAFFLE TICKETS for a Drawing to be Held that Day!
Check Dermatology Dept at NSHS Team When Registering or Donating
Download Pledge Form to Help You Raise Funds

Personalized Walk Sign
A Special Opportunity to Show Your Love
Walk Sign to be placed around the 5K Run / Walk Course
$30.00 Each
Deadline for sign requests May 24th

To Purchase a Personalized Walk Sign and/or Donate, Click on Registration Button Above