CCMAC has been providing FREE Skin Cancer Screenings on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park, County and Town Parks, and other locations around the New York metropolitan area since 2005. Without the dedication and generosity of dermatologist, residents, and other staff from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stony Brook University, Mount Sinai, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Belaray Dermatology, All Island Dermatology, and McClain Laboratories these life saving screenings would not be able to provided to the Long Island Community. Early identification and early intervention saves lives. Many of those screened are referred to private physicians for more comprehensive examinations and follow up.


CCMAC & County Executive Mangano 

Respond to The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to 

Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma

In response to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer / Melanoma, CCMAC and Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano are sponsoring a FREE SKIN CANCER SCREENING at Cantiague Park.

DATE: 09/14/2014 (Sunday)

TIME: 11:00am – 02:00pm

LOCATION: Cantiague Park, Hicksville, NY. (West John Street, East of Cantiague Rock Road)


2014 FREE SCREENINGS were provided at Jones Beach State Park, and at the Town of Babylon’s Overlook Beach information regarding each screening is below.  

Jones Beach Boardwalk Central Mall, July 27th, 2014

  • Dr. Ahmed Hadi & Dr. Dan Bernstein of Mt. Sinai Hospital Dept. of Dermatology
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CCMAC in collaboration with the American Academy of Dermatology, and Dr. Jordan Slutsky of Stonybrook University Hospital’s Department of Dermatology, Dr’s Ahmed Hadi formerly of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Daniel Bernstein of Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology, and Dr. Jospeh Onorato of All Island Dermatology provided FREE SCREENINGS at Jones Beach State Park.

  • Colette Coyne Speaking with NYS Lifeguards
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New York State Senator Phil Boyle at Overlook Beach, Babylon, NY. 

  • Senator Phil Boyles Staff, Angel, Ann and Christine
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In addition to collaborating with the Medical Community to provide the FREE Screenings, CCMAC has been very fortunate to collaborate with and have the support of politicians that really care about the health and well being of the residents of Long Island, and New York State. The FREE Screening held at Overlook Beach, Babylon NY. could not have been provided without the support of New York State Senator Phil Boyle and his hard working staff.

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