CCMAC’s 10th Annual 5K Run/Walk is a Success
CCMAC’s Miles for Melanoma / Steps to Stop Skin Cancer was again a successful event. Attendees are most grateful for the support they experience through acknowledgement of a loved one passing or gratitude learning the success and response to treatment of others diagnosed with this horrendous disease. Unfortunately Melanoma rates continue to increase throughout the country, and in particular here on Long Island, the land of beaches. Few realize New York is the third highest in our nation for cases of Melanoma Skin Cancer.
Mindful positive behavior begins early in life; special attention is given to our young participants who enjoyed face painting, making UV bracelets, and coloring their nails with UV sensitive nail polish, and the like. Of course while enjoying this activity these youngsters are learning the importance of UV protection and to BE SUN SMART®
Several youngsters received recognition for their raising awareness projects as well as fundraising.
We are particularly grateful to dermatologists from Belaray Dermatology, Garden City Dermatology as well as NorthShore/LIJ Dermatology Service for providing skin exams to participants resulting in 20% requiring referral for follow up with their dermatologists.
5K Run Winners
Click on the images below to view photos from the event.