CCMAC’s 2012 5K Run / Walk Is A Huge Success!
While Sun Safety is encouraged all year round, CCMAC holds its annual “Miles for Melanoma Run/Walk during May which is Melanoma Month. The Run/Walk is always the highlight of the year, and serves many important purposes. It enables families, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents and friends to acknowledge their loved one touched by melanoma. It is also a source of encouragement and strength for those recently diagnosed with Melanoma to meet others who have successfully won their battle with melanoma. It is also an educational event and certainly fun for the children of walkers. They have the opportunity to make their own UV Bracelets and while doing so, learn of the necessary precautions that all should take regarding Sun exposure.
More to Follow………Pictures Below………………………
It was a beautiful, sunny, Sunday morning……
Registration Went Well…….
People Gathered Waiting to Start………..
Then the Runners lined Up……….
And They Were Off…..
Click Here to view more pictures of 5K Run Start, and the runners, running…..
And then the walkers lined up for their 5K Walk…..
and then they were off and walking….
Clike Here for More Pictures of the Walkers, Walking…
And The Finishers Began to Come Across the Finish Line…..
Pictured Above is CCMAC’s 2012 5k Race, First Place Male Finisher Overall – Mr. Hector Jaramillo. Congratulations Hector! We Appreciate Your Support!
Pictured Above is CCMAC’s 2012 5k Race, First Place Female Finisher Overall – Ms. Megan Lavery. Congratulations Megan! We Appreciate Your Support!
Click Here to View More Pictures of the 5K Run Finishers
The Awards
Pictured above is Megan Lavery receiving her Trophy for being the First Place Female Finisher.