Doug Gorman

Doug Gorman 1962 – 2007

In Memory Of

“The true spirit of our great friend Doug Gorman is captured in this photo snapped six months before he lost his courageous two year battle against Metastatic Melanoma at the young age of 45. He did what he loved until the end, keeping active while hanging out with his beloved daughter Shane on the right and her friend Paige in the middle. Doug was the most optimistic, adventurous and caring friend one could ever hope for. A Veterinarian by trade, he loved all animals and developed a stellar reputation in his field. He also cherished the time spent with a close circle of family, friends and especially his daughter Shane. All of their lives were enriched by the wonderful outdoor adventures Doug led them on. Whether it was hiking, kayaking, biking, skiing, running or boating, a day spent with Doug was always an invigorating experience. He always said he wanted to be remembered, not in sadness, but for all the terrific times spent together. He particularly enjoyed a classic sunset and its afterglow. So, each time we are blessed with a beautiful sunset, we smile and thank Doug for having been a part of our lives.”

Dave Gugerty, Friend